Grade 2 Unit 2 Pre Assessment Ela English Language Arts

Read the letter and answer Questions 1-3 by filling in the proper word(south) for each numbered blank.

Dear Mina

Merry _____1______! Did you go a lot of presents? I really miss yous. I went to ____2_____ business firm yesterday. She got a lot of toys and clothes from her family. _____3_____

1. Which reply is correct?
  1. christmas
  2. kristmas
  3. Chrismas
  4. Christmas
two. Which answer is correct?
  1. annas
  2. Anna's
  3. Annas
  4. Anna is
3. Which answer is correct?
  1. Your friend,
  2. Your friend.
  3. Your friend;
  4. Your friend

Question 4 – 10 are based on the following story about Yeh-shen.

Long ago, a pretty daughter lived in China. Her name was Yeh-shen. She lived with her stepmother and stepsisters. They made her do a lot of hard work. Yeh-shen wore muddy rags. Only Yeh-shen was always happy. She fabricated friends with all the animals. She was friends with a magic fish. Every fourth dimension Yeh-shen washed wearing apparel in the river, she saw the fish. He splashed and talked. Yeh-shen was poor but kind. She always gave the fish some of her food.

Yeh-shen'south stepmother was not happy. She did not want Yeh-shen to exist happy either. She caught the magic fish. Then she cooked him! Yeh-shen cried for her friend.

But and then Yeh-shen heard a dissonance! "Yeh-shen! Do not cry! I am a magic fish. You are very kind. I will give you one wish!" Yeh-shen was happy to hear her friend. What could she wish for?

Ane day, the rex had a big party. He wanted everyone to come. Yeh-shen's stepmother and stepsisters went to the party. Merely they didn't let Yeh-shen go! "You take no pretty apparel! You have to do more piece of work!" they said.

Yeh-shen was sad. She sat past the river and cried. "Yeh-shen! Do not cry! You have ane wish!" Information technology was the magic fish!

"I wish to go to the party!" Yeh-shen cried.

Suddenly, Yeh-shen saw a beautiful dress. So she saw aureate slippers. She put them on. Yeh-shen ran to the party. She met the king! He loved Yeh-shen considering of her kindness.

"Who is that daughter with the rex?" Yeh-shen's stepmother shouted.

Yeh-shen ran away. She was afraid of her stepmother. Yeh-shen ran all the way home. "Oh no! I lost a slipper!" Yeh-shen looked for the slipper. Information technology was gone! Her dress was gone, as well. Yeh-shen had simply dingy rags on. She had one slipper left. Yeh-shen hid the slipper.

"Yeh-shen! Assistance united states of america undress!" Yeh-shen's stepmother and stepsisters came home. "The king met a girl with a golden slipper! She ran away! He wants to marry her." Yeh-shen's stepsisters were happy. "The king will marry the girl who can clothing the slipper! Every girl must try on the slipper," they said.

A soldier came from the king. He had the slipper. Yeh-shen's stepmother tried it on. It was too minor! Yeh-shen'southward stepsisters tried on the slipper. It was too small for them, likewise!

Yeh-shen asked the soldier. "May I endeavor it on?"

Yeh-shen'due south stepmother was angry. "That is not her slipper! She is also poor!"

The soldier shook his head. "Every girl must endeavor on the slipper," he said. The soldier put the slipper on Yeh-shen's pes. Information technology fit! Yeh-shen married the king.

4. Who gave Yeh-shen a wish?
  1. Her stepmother
  2. The king
  3. The soldier
  4. The fish
five. How did Yeh-shen's stepmother experience when Yeh-shen wanted to put on the slipper?
  1. She was very unhappy.
  2. She was very happy.
  3. She was very sad.
  4. She was very surprised.
6. Where does the story take place?
  1. Long ago, in a small city with a long river
  2. A long time ago in the countryside of People's republic of china
  3. Long agone, in a big city in China most a king
  4. A long time ago in the palace of the Chinese male monarch
7. What story is like the story of Yeh-shen?
  1. The tale of Robin Hood
  2. The story of Snow White
  3. The tale of Fiddling Reddish Riding Hood
  4. The story of Cinderella
8. What is one lesson in this story?
  1. It is important to work hard.
  2. It is good to wash apparel.
  3. Information technology is good to be kind.
  4. It is important to be poor.
ix. How do you know that Yeh-shen was kind to the magic fish?
  1. She was kind and went to the river.
  2. She was sad and washed her wearing apparel in the river.
  3. She was poor but gave him some of her food.
  4. She was tired but did not tell the fish.
ten. Yeh-shen married the rex. What is i question yous might ask to find out about Yeh-shen's stepmother and stepsisters?
  1. Did they get to the palace, as well?
  2. Did they marry the king?
  3. Did they wear cute dress?
  4. Did they observe some other magic fish?

Answers and Explanations

ane. D: Christmas.
The names of holidays need to be capitalized. Selection A is not capitalized. The other choices are spelled wrong.

2. B: Anna's.
"Anna'southward" shows that the house belongs to one person, Anna. The other choices are incorrect. Choice A is not capitalized, Pick C does not have an apostrophe, and Selection D uses two words that do not correctly complete the sentence.

3. A: Your friend,
Letters need a closing. The closing has a comma at the end of a phrase, followed past the name of the person who wrote the letter. The other choices do not employ commas. Selection B has a period at the cease. Periods are for the ends of sentences. Choice C has a semicolon at the terminate. Semicolons are usually used to connect two related sentences together. Choice D has no punctuation at all.

iv. D: The fish
The magic fish gave Yeh-shen 1 wish. She wished to be able to become to the king'south party.

five. A: She was very unhappy.
Yeh-shen's stepmother was mad. She said that Yeh-shen was too poor to put on the slipper.

half-dozen. B: A long time ago in the countryside of Prc
The first of the story says that information technology happened a long time agone in China, but information technology doesn't exactly say where. All the same, Yeh-shen lives by a river and talks to many animals. That makes it likely that she lived in the countryside. She would non encounter many animals if she lived in a big city.

seven. D: The story of Cinderella
Yeh-shen is sometimes chosen the Chinese Cinderella. The stories are very similar. Cinderella and Yeh-shen both live with their stepmothers and stepsisters. They both take to piece of work hard. They are able to become to a special party considering of a magical wish. They both lose their slippers and ally the ruler of the country.

eight. C: It is good to be kind.
Yeh-shen was kind to everyone, even her stepmother and stepsisters. Her kindness helped her live happily, even when she was very poor and had to work hard.

nine. C: She was poor just gave him some of her food.
Yeh-shen was kind to anybody, even the fish. Yeh-shen was very poor, so she had fiddling nutrient for herself. Still she saved some of her food for the fish.

ten. A: Did they go to the palace, as well?
After Yeh-shen marries the rex, the story ends. The narrator does not tell us what happened to Yeh-shen's selfish stepmother or stepsisters. This question asks near what happened to them later Yeh-shen got married.

Infographic showing common core standards for grade 2 English language arts


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